Fairchild 24 "Ranger" (N28690 Red)

Compatible with Mac or Windows systems!

This Aero-Pac contains all the scale documentation you'll need to accurately reproduce this Fairchild 24, right down to the rivets, panel lines and screws.
This particular "Ranger" features large amount of close-up photography and a well documented interior.
All pictures are shot with the latest digital technology, capturing detail never before available from other sources. Not only is all detail captured, but all nomenclature (N-numbers, hatch descriptions, etc.) are shot up-close to make it easier to reproduce.
Since the files are digital, you can enlarge them on your computer screen, print enlargements and/or smaller copies using your color printer to use them for your final scale documentation package.

Included in the Aero-Pac are:

  • Fairchild 24 3-view.
  • 8-point walkaround exterior shots (shot at every 45°).
  • 47 exterior shots showing details close-up.
  • Cockpit/instrument panel photos.
$15.95 - Digital Download

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